woraus deine Kleidung gemacht ist

Hier findest du eine vollständige Auflistung aller Produkte im Woodcabin-Etsy-Shop und ihrer Materialien. Dies umfasst nicht nur die Stoffe und ihre Herkunft, sondern auch das verwendete Garn, die Knöpfe und all die anderen Kleinigkeiten, aus denen sich jedes Teil zusammensetzt. Weil du es verdienst zu wissen, was du dir anziehst!


Original Pieces

eigene Designs aus dem Hause Woodcabin - natürlich upcycled

Feenkleid “Wicke”


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Seide: Restbestand, erworben für ein Projekt während meines Studiums; weder bio, noch tierfreundlich, aber upcycled

Synthetik: Schnittreste von einer Auftragsarbeit; vom Kunden erworben, daher kenne ich die genaue Materialzusammensetzung nicht 

Baumwolltwill: Restbestand von Ursbob, einer Modedesignerin aus Düsseldorf

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester; Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester (beide aus meinem Lagerbestand)

Gewebeband: Restmaterial aus Großmutters Nähkästchen

Schrägband: 100% Baumwolle, Restmaterial der Earth Warrior Kollektion


Patchwork-Rock “Glockenblume”


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Leinen: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion und Restmaterial von Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal, das für den Abfall bestimmt war; beides nicht bio

Baumwolle: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion, Stoff, den meine Oma nicht mehr haben wollte (der mit den Blumen!) und Baumwollnessel von alten Prototypen aus dem Studium; alle meines Wissens nach nicht nachhaltig produziert, aber wiederverwertet

Seide: Schnittreste eines gekürzten Kimonos, sowie Restbestand, erworben für ein Projekt während meines Studiums; weder bio, noch tierfreundlich, aber upcycled

Viskose: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Baumwoll-Viskose-Gemisch: Restmaterial von einem Projekt während meines Studiums

verschiedene Synthetik-Stoffe: Schnittreste meiner Großmutter und von Maßanfertigungen; leider kenne ich die genaue Materialzusammensetzung nicht

Garn und weitere Materialien

Spitzendeckchen: von der Großmutter einer Freundin, die zu viele davon angefertigt hat

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester; Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester (beide aus meinem Lagerbestand)

Schrägband: 100% Baumwolle, Restmaterial der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Haremshose “Beinwell” – lila


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Leinen: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion und einer Maßanfertigung

PU-Leder: Restmaterial einer Möbelpolsterei, Restbestand von der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Polyester: Schnittreste des Nähprojekts einer Freundin

Baumwolle: Schnittreste meiner Großmutter

Garn und weitere Materialien

Kokosnussknöpfe: Reste eines Uni-Projektes; nicht bio, aber kompostierbar

Garn: Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester (aus meinem Lagerbestand)

Schrägband: 100% Baumwolle, Restmaterial der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Haremshose “Beinwell” – gemustert


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwolle: Restmaterial der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Leinen: Restmaterial von Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal, das für den Abfall bestimmt war

PU-Leder: Restmaterial einer Möbelpolsterei, Restbestand von der Earth Warrior Kollektion

verschiedene Synthetik-Stoffe: Schnittreste meiner Großmutter; leider kenne ich die genaue Materialzusammensetzung nicht

Garn und weitere Materialien

Holzknöpfe: Reste der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester; Troja-Garn aus 100%Polyester (beise aus meinem Lagerbestand)

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Haremshose “Beinwell” – grün


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwolle: Baumwollnessel von alten Prototypen aus dem Studium und Schnittreste von einem gekürzten Rock; alle meines Wissens nach nicht nachhaltig produziert, aber wiederverwertet

Baumwoll-Viskose-Gemisch: Restmaterial von einem Projekt während meines Studiums

Leinen: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion

PU-Leder: Restmaterial einer Möbelpolsterei, Restbestand von der Earth Warrior Kollektion

verschiedene Synthetik-Stoffe: Schnittreste meiner Großmutter; leider kenne ich die genaue Materialzusammensetzung nicht

Garn und weitere Materialien

Holzknöpfe: Reste der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester; Troja-Garn aus 100%Polyester (beise aus meinem Lagerbestand)

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Culottes “Hyazinthe” – lila


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Leinen: Restmaterial von Maßanfertigungen; nicht bio, aber weiterverwendet

Baumwoll-Double-Gauze: OekoTex-zertifiziert, Schnittreste des Selene-Kleides

Garn und weitere Materialien

Metallknopf: von einem alten Mantel wiederverwertet

Plastikknöpfe: von einer alten Bluse wiederverwendet

Garn: Kupfer-Garn aus 100% Polyester (Restmaterial einer Maßanfertigung)

Schrägband: 100% Baumwolle, Restmaterial einer Maßanfertigung

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber wiederverwertetes Restmaterial einer Maßanfertigung


Oberteil “Iris”


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Leinen: Restmaterial der Earth Warrior Kollektion und Schnittreste eines persönlichen Projekts

Baumwolltwill: Restbestand von Ursbob, einer Modedesignerin aus Düsseldorf

Baumwolle: Stoff, den meine Oma nicht mehr haben wollte

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Troja-Garn aus from 100% Polyester (aus meinem Lagerbestand)

Schrägband: 100% Baumwolle, Restmaterial einer Maßanfertigung

Kettenverschluss und -ring: von einer alten Kette wiederverwertet

Schnur: Restmaterial meiner Bachelor-Kollektion für’s Studium; zum Befestigen des Kettenverschlusses im Oberteil verwendet


Feen-Top “Schilf” – gelb


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwolltwill: Restbestand von Ursbob, einer Modedesignerin aus Düsseldorf

Baumwoll-Seiden-Gemisch: Restmaterial meiner Bachelor-Kollektion für’s Studium

Baumwolle: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Viskose: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion und meiner Bachelor-Kollektion für’s Studium

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester (aus meinem Lagerbestand)

Schrägband: 100% Baumwolle, Restmaterial einer Maßanfertigung


Feen-Top “Schilf” – grün


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwoll-Viskose-Gemisch: Restmaterial von einem Projekt während meines Studiums

Seide: Restbestand, erworben für ein Projekt während meines Studiums; weder bio, noch tierfreundlich, aber upcycled; am Ärmel befindet sich ein kleiner Fleck (darum war der Stoff für die Entsorgung bestimmt)

Leinen: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Baumwolljersey: upcycled von einem Oberteil, aus dem ich herausgewachsen bin

Synthetik: Schnittreste einer Maßanfertigung; da der Kunde den Stoff gekauft hat, kenne ich die genaue Materialzusammensetzung leider nicht

Baumwolltwill: Restbestand von Ursbob, einer Modedesignerin aus Düsseldorf

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester; Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester (beides aus meinem Lagerbestand)

Satin-Schrägband: 100% Polyester, left Restmaterial einer Maßanfertigung


Upcycled Vintage

von Secondhand-Kleidung zu neuen Designs

Bluse “Cerasit”


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwolle: Secondhand-Bluse aus meinem eigenen Kleiderschrank

Viskose: Restmaterial der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Garn und weitere Materialien

Hornknöpfe: von einer Freundin, die keinen Nutzen für sie finden konnte

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester, übrig geblieben von meiner Bachelor-Kollektion für’s Studium; Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Sweaterkleid “Thulit”


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwollstrick: 100% Baumwolle von ESPRIT, ursprünglich ein Sweater, den ich nicht mehr trage; vollständig verwendet, um Müll zu vermeiden, nur das Logo wurde herausgetrennt 

Synthetik-Strick: Restbestand von Ursbob, einer Modedesignerin aus Düsseldorf

Garn und weitere Materialien

Spitzendeckchen: von der Großmutter einer Freundin, die zu viele davon angefertigt hat

Garn: Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand; diese Farbe ist bei einer Maßanfertigung übrig geblieben

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Handbesticktes Kleid “Blaufluss”


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Chiffon: Secondhand-Kleid aus 100% Polyester

verschiedene Synthetik-Stoffe: das Kleid ist mit einem Polyesterstoff gefüttert; in der Tasche ist ebenfalls synthetisches Material verarbeitet, leider hatte das Secondhand-Top keine Materialangaben mehr

Baumwoll-Halbpanama: Schnittreste meiner Kollektion für das 6. Semester meines Studiums; für die Tasche verwendet

Garn und weitere Materialien

Goldene Textilfarbe: metallische Textilfarbe auf Wasserbasis vom deutschen Hersteller Viva Decor®; Restmaterial meiner Bachelor-Kollektion für’s Studium

Stickgarn: 60% Viskose and 40% metallisches Polyester von der Marke Madeira; Restmaterial meiner Bachelor-Kollektion für’s Studium

Garn: Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Karabiner & Schnallen: von einem kaputten Rucksack wiederverwertet

Druckknöpfe: von einem alten Mantel wiederverwendet


Bundfaltenhose “Kyanit”


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Jeans: von einem Jeans-Minirock aus 100% Baumwolle von Madonna (dem Laden, nicht der Sängerin), Secondhand erworben und jetzt genau genommen in seinem dritten Leben

Denim: Schnittreste von einer zur Shorts gemachten Jeans; Baumwolle mit Elasthan-Anteil; für die Bündchen verwendet

Baumwolltwill: Restmaterial von einer Maßanfertigung

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Satin-Schrägband: 100% Polyester, left Restmaterial von einer Maßanfertigung

Gummizug: nicht recycled, aber weiterverwendete Reste von einem früheren Projekt


Winterjacket “Lazulit”


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Jeans: Vintage Mango Jeansjacke von ca. 2005 aus 100% Baumwolle; Secondhand erworben und jetzt genau genommen in ihrem dritten Leben;  vollständig verwendet, um Müll zu vermeiden

Kunstpelz: die Jacke (Ärmel ausgenommen) ist mit Künstlichem Lammfell aus 100% Polyester gefüttert

PE-Baumwoll-Gemisch: Die Jackenärmel sind mit einem Mischgewebe aus  80% Polyester and 20% Baumwolle gefüttert

Garn und weitere Materialien

Spitzendeckchen: von der Großmutter einer Freundin, die zu viele davon angefertigt hat

Bestickter Knopf: von einer Freundin, die keinen Nutzen für ihn finden konnte

Garn: Troja-Garns aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Schnallen, Ösen & Reißverschluss: Teil der Secondhand-Jacke; genaues Metall unbekannt



Kleinigkeiten aus Stoffresten

Fliege “Legba” – braun


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Leinen: Schnittreste der Earth Warrior Kollektion

Baumwolle: Schnittreste des Nähprojekts einer Freundin

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestannd

Schnalle: Überschuss einer Bestellung für das 4. Semester meines Studiums; unspezifiziertes Metall

Einlage: synthetische Bügeleinlage aus Studientagen


Fliege “Legba” – blau


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwolle: Schnittreste einer Hose die zu Shorts wurde

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Schnalle: von einer kaputten Tasche wiederverwertet; unspezifiziertes Metall


Scrunchie “Sif” – beere


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Polyester: Schnittreste vom Nähprojekt einer Freundin

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Scrunchie “Sif” – ozean


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Synthetik: Schnittreste meiner Großmutter; leider kenne ich die genaue Materialzusammensetzung nicht

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Amann-Garn aus 100% mercerisierter Baumwolle; secondhand erhalten

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Scrunchie “Sif” – gepunktet


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Synthetik: Schnittreste meiner Großmutter; leider kenne ich die genaue Materialzusammensetzung nicht

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Scrunchie “Sif” – gold


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwoll-Lurex-Gemisch: Schnittreste meiner Bachelor-Kollektion für’s Studium

Garn und weitere Materilaien

Garn: Gütermann Allesnäher aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand


Scrunchie “Sif” – wald


Linen: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and rest material from Buddeberg & Weck in Wuppertal that was destined for landfill; both non-organic, but kept out of the waste stream

Cotton: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection and a side project from my university days, fabric my grandmother didn’t want to use anymore (that’s the floral one!), as well as cotton muslin upcycled from my university prototypes; all non-organic as far as I know, but reused

Silk: scraps from a kimono my friend had to shorten, as well as deadstock fabric left over from a side project from my university days; non-organic and not animal-friendly, but upcycled

Viscose: leftovers from the Earth Warrior Collection; non-organic, but reused

Synthetics: fabric scraps from my grandmother and from commissions; unfortunately I don’t know the exact fibers used in these


Baumwolle: Schnittreste vom Nähprojekt einer Freundin

Garn und weitere Materialien

Garn: Troja-Garn aus 100% Polyester aus meinem Lagerbestand

Gummizug: nicht recycled aber aus meinem Lagerbestand



welche Stoffe bei Woodcabin verwendet werden, woher sie kommen und wo noch Raum nach oben ist



was Upcycling eigentlich bedeutet, wie Woodcabin das Thema umsetzt und warum es so wichtig ist



wer deine Kleidung macht und wo, wie der Prozess aussieht und wie er immer weiter verbessert wird
